Photo of Luis Araujo Romero Venezuela

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Luis Araujo's work is rich with various media extensively plastic as substrates, materials, textures, grafsmos, color, line, random shapes and random CIRA, transparency, symbols, signs, gestures, lyricism , cross etc. In Abstract Expressionist ahsu artstca bill, which its creator explores the visual skating response of the work, from its existential transit mstico the time between the unconscious and the existential moment...

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8.27 x 11.02 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
11.02 x 8.27 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
8.27 x 11.02 in
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Photo of Luis Araujo Romero Venezuela

Luis Araujo's work is rich with various media extensively plastic as substrates, materials, textures, grafsmos, color, line, random shapes and random CIRA, transparency, symbols, signs, gestures, lyricism , cross etc. In Abstract Expressionist ahsu artstca bill, which its creator explores the visual skating response of the work, from its existential transit mstico the time between the unconscious and the existential moment (consciousness), transit in action which captures various forms and in random mutndose preconceived images randomly selected from different referents-skating or images created by the same at first conscious (rational process omtodo ) as a response in the throes of their emotions: impulses and feelings of being in relationship to the existential moment in its creation, taking ascoma fundamental principle of the creative act as acciny response DAAD pl stica on your bottom line, making emphasis on the techniques and means used and interact as contained therein, abrindole unconscious way from the plastic possibilities of connection points or between the whole and the parts from plastic spatial ambivalence formal, as a result of an introspective visinmstica once reflected in the media refers to a geometry of consciousness. So that is a non bsqueda bsqueda, reaffirming statically in the field that passes between when the tache, gesture, action, let the random, random and CIRA one section, like a flash in the wake of new perceptual forms invite us to accept or not contemplacin but in any case are a call to meditation, to be alert, to doubt, to be wrong, hit or having to start over, as we said Gurd Creativity: Kent Robinson .... \ "If you do not admit wrong will never reach the original \ ".... Works in their first strike try, also have the PURPOSE to see, think, experiment and evolve into the avant-garde expression contemporaneous skating in paint, in correspondence with the universal ancestral language back to its origins Skating mutating global references to consolidate in a new way of perceiving, but well supported statically from all his creative process-fenomenolgico plastic, leaving the opening of these continental permanence and impermanence from to renew the time.

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